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Review: Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers

Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers
I bought this cream from Dubai transit, while browsing through various brands and cosmetic products. The main reason I was drawn towards this cream was because I wanted some quick alternative to hair oil that I could use to nourish my hair well, whenever I don't have much time left with me. At the time I bought this cream, I was having bad and rough hair days as I was very busy with loads of things, and because of other problems I'd completely stopped oiling my hair at all, which had lead to dry and damaged hair, and loads of dandruff too (eeekkk)!

I've been using this cream since 3-4 months now,
and I must say I am really really impressed with it. So, here is my review:

About Sunsilk hair cream

Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers

Price: Somewhere between $5 to $10 (Don't remember exactly)
Quantity: 175 ml


Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers
My experience with the cream:

Here, I'll just tell a background story of what made me get this cream. Right from my childhood, my mom had taken well care of my hair. I had long, jet black hair and she used to oil them twice every week, with warm almond or coconut oil, massaging them well into the roots of my hair, and then would leave it overnight for the oil to do its job and take care of my head, hair and brain too(??!!).

Fast forwarding to a couple of years back, I used to come home late from work, would always forget to oil my hair and sleep. Early morning after waking up, I'd be reminded of putting some oil on my hair as I had to wash my head. Since, because of some blessed soul, I knew that leaving oil in hair for 1 hour is more than enough for oil to work efficiently , I'd do that and that used to work properly for a couple of years during my stay in Bangalore.

Coming to the present time, Bangalore is no longer same as it used to be in 2003. Climate is changed, population has grown many many manyyy folds, and hence the problems as well. Power cuts are the most contemptible thing for me, and one thing I am absolutely going to make sure the moment I shift, is to get a power back installed in my home. Add to it the scarcity of water in my area, I could no more rely on water and electricity to stay with me every time I need them here.

So, when I saw this cream and saw the way it works, I had to stop myself from jumping and hopping with joy, as this could give perfect control to me over my hair, and over their care and nourishment in the problems I was facing that time with time, efforts, water and electricity. And I must say, I heaved a sigh of relief and I am very very happy with this cream.

Enough of the stories, lets get to some pros and cons of this cream:
Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers

Sunsilk hair cream Extra Softness with egg and almond oil energizers
1) The cream is white and has thick consistency, which makes it quite easy for me to apply well on the roots and massage them deep into them.

2) It has a bit strong but yummmmmyyy smell.

3) It really nourishes my hair well. I can't say if it can replace any oil. But, I could certainly feel the smoothness and silkiness in the texture of my hair, followed by reduction in dandruff, and almost negligible hair fall. What else do we want from a hair product?

4) This has become my HG hair cream now. No matter what is happening around me or where I am, I rest assured that my hair will always stay safe and nourished. I simply apply this cream evenly on the roots of my hair and some amount all over my hair, 15 minutes prior to taking shower. I always assure setting up everything (plenty of warm water!) first, before I apply this to my hair, and I must say it has helped a lot in keeping my cool by taking care of my hair well, without any fuss.

5) This cream can be used as before and after hair-wash cream too. And I love the multi-purpose functioning of this cream. I have usually super dry hair that becomes fluffy and frizzy after each wash. But now, a little amount of this cream over my wet hair is more than enough to tame them well and prevent any tangling or breakage. However, I still refrain from combing my hair when they are wet.


1) Jar packaging - unhygienic and messy.

2) Availability: I know sunsilk's shampoos and hair serums are available in India. Don't know about this cream's availability so far.

3) Strong smell may be a problem to sensitive noses, but I love it!

4) Contains parabens.

Overall verdict: I really recommend this cream to all ladies out there, who have very busy schedule and don't have time to take care of their long manes. Long hair is always in, no matter what century you are living in. So, I don't think it is advisable that just for the reason that you don't have time to take care of your long hair, you chop them off! I give this cream 5 stars and double thumbs up for saving my hair while taking care of my time and effort constraints.

Rating 5/5

Do you use hair creams? Share your experience and opinions with me in your comments.


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